Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does Alcohol Delay Your Period

go Where are you my FC St.Pauli? Order Now

Who is my contribution "Building opponents' read will have noticed the subtle hint perhaps attempts. Yes I too have been annoyed about the latest marketing effort of my club. The SMS campaign of is in my opinion, a clear violation of the agreed guidelines and marketing in 2009 even if not in my view, unacceptable, because if you have such actions first enshrined in the course of a football game on Millerntor, it is only a small step to the next more serious action. So I've sat down and my anger at this action and also with respect to the current situation, "Susi's Show Bar 'booth ( reported the step-overs) in an email to Meeske, Orth, Spaeth and Stenger (UFASports) expressed. I would express here once again then, that relate to my mail on both unacceptable conditions. Because apparently, but read for yourself:

Ladies and gentlemen

As a longtime fan and member of the club FC St.Pauli I've got this year and the renewed rise of the 100-year celebrations very much. Together with the Stadionaus-new or remodeling, these events are certainly one of the most beautiful and felt comfortable with the most successful periods in the 20 years that I now share my life already with FC St. Pauli.

However, the rise was very unpleasant and me unacceptable development at FC St.Pauli catchment. I speak of the current marketing and Eventisierungskampagnen that produces growths in their lee, I can not accept at FC St. Pauli. With the image of "another club" FC St. Pauli and has much better deserves the Upsolut GmbH always good money. This total marketing in the region of the merchandise I felt personally in recent years as a nuisance. This merchandise clearance sale and I can go any other but by not shopping at a St. Pauli fan shop out of his way. I also see here a reference to FC St. Pauli and some sporting terms. This

succeed me at the latest excesses of the marketing department not anymore. Both the SMS campaign at home to Mainz and the rental of the box to Susi's Show Bar make for me two absolute no-gos dar. The rental of a box, and the obvious design of the use of this box by Susi's Show Bar is for me a provocation to the anti-sexist attitude of the fan scene of the FC St. Pauli with the club and ultimately the marketing always like to decorate. Unfortunately, this attitude seems to be reacting like to quickly give way to monetary arguments or at least softened to be. Anders is unlikely to explain that the guidelines adopted in 2009 Fankongress especially in this matter merrily trampled.

I can from § 3 - quote the essentials:

The essence of the Fuflball the game of the teams, so this is also in the foreground. is

addition to the open affront to the anti-sized exit attitude of the fan scene here that is very ignorant and against the agreed guidelines failed with which the clubs also like to decorate. I must therefore ask what guidelines are worth it if you will, as in the case of Susi's Show Bar Separee implemented so inconsistent even if not ignored completely? Yes they are now safely say, as with the operators of Susi Show Bar, something else was settled as now takes place in the lodge. Then in turn I do not understand why the apparent has violated these agreements by the lessee of the lodges are no consequences. Because you hear so how is in the box next stripped and danced merrily. And without any consequences by the landlord of the lodge.

And the SMS campaign of violates the last match against Mainz clearly against the guidelines. Interfere with the LED walls but not only limited to draw fans and viewers, but also of the essence (football) from. You will now lock safe, as this may have been a one-time action. But for me, the question remains what kind of action that should be? A trial balloon for further such marketing campaigns?

I can only give a recommendation either in the selection of tenants of lodges and in connection with Susi Show Bar, as well as actions by sponsors with another one to drive and follow the guidelines developed, or you'll be on the short-term monetary success of such actions a long-time partner and sponsor of the FC St. Pauli by little scare and lose the capital of this association. Namely, us fans who have kept in the Regional schlehcten times to the club. And what is left? An image that but you and some will be less, no one believes and buys.


Nearly 48 hours later I received Sven Brux, I had not written explicitly, was allowed to send fomulieren So for my chosen answer and addressed the following in my opinion very poor standard answer has Sven Brux including copies to the forum.

Dear Mr. ...,

thanks for the mail regarding the promotion of the company last Saturday. Also, we had discussed in advance of action, contrary to what extent these may breach the guidelines, but the majority come to the conclusion that it is OK. We must now state that a part of our fan scene sees it differently. But the fact is also that, as just about 10 (!) E-mails got on the subject. That's less than half a thousandth of the stadium visitors. Such a number of complaints we would probably get even when free beer would be served. On the other hand, more than 400 visitors at the stadium sms-action have been through. In this sense we could say actually "done everything right." We take the criticism to heart yet, but they want to bring in a different, more detailed layer: First, it obviously needs a discussion about how the guidelines are to be interpreted in detail. We have had to do it now more often with individual points, which could be called "Guidelines" gray area "call. Here we should clarify the sake bring some light into the darkness. The other point concerns the medium-and long-term development of the association to where we want and how is it financed? A discussion that will be much more time and more comprehensive than they do here by mail or in Internet forums. We will get so promptly with the Standing Fanausschuss related to elicit with the local fan representatives, whether such a discussion required and in what form it would lead to. The

should it have been for today, I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

like Yours

Now I the club will of course benefit that one has ever responded. With other clubs would have been the subject of safe food and to bring the offer with the subject in the permanent Fanausschuss is certainly commendable. What bothers me though the answer to two key points are:

first. I have explicitly bzwgl the SMS campaign and also to the situation. "Lady Show Bar" booth-related. The latter will be discussed not at all. On the whole, the part of the club for weeks not to read comments on this topic in the media or through the channels to the fans. A fitting commentary found in ÜS Blog . (I link it here just because I hardly better could be formulated.) For me, no answer on the subject is then but a response. It may, of course, any self-worth, why the club is so straight away at this point in the discussion with the fans and fan representatives as well as in the consistent implementation of the marketing guidelines.

second I feel that the weighing of the 400 participating in the SMS campaign against the stadium visitors 10 (!) Board of mails and the conclusion "All right!" poor for the claim that many have to FC St. Pauli. This claim is made good money, which can be super market and every time our association in the positive direction is something he does so well like in the media. Only if then St.Pauli forum to discuss a marketing campaign criticism of this very produces high number is then withdrawn to the direct communication and there was not enough because the topic is indeed not so wild. Sorry how many complaint emails have come since have? 401? What would have been at 399? Okay, I can understand that the association is not governed by the "turmoil" in the forum and have a more direct communication needed to be able to filter, how many people have felt really annoyed, or at least annoyed about the action. Already clear, but the club should have been aware that he is now the second time within a short time against the signed by him in breach guidelines, even when he titled the action as a gray area. For me, these guidelines are then not worth the paper were on which they wrote, because I actually had assumed that they should be consensus more and it runs counter to actions not in a vote "participant vs.. Complaint mails after (and this is the crucial point) action to be successful leigitimiert later.

At least, I can not accept the use of my association with the results from the Fankongress of 2009 and hope that this is also another St. Pauli fans so therefore here and link to the call of the step-over to send the club an email and tell him what you think about the path he has chosen. And also on the petition the social romantic St.Pauli was noted at this point.

Writes signs, even wallpaper, blogging no matter what, but let the club know that the path he is treading the wrong thing.

What else happened? Oh Mr. Schulte has diejeigen in recent days in the Mopo the displeasure of the various expressions of stadium visitors that have gone previously omitted. The Mopo I will (as usual) do not link here. But a very g elungen comment by Jeky . Recommendation: Review value


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